This is an introduction to Crime Awareness for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and other extras.
The resource is intended to introduce students to crime awareness, including:
Personal values
Wrongdoing and crime
Irish legal and justice system
Prison life
Topics include:
How values help
Wrongdoing and its impact
Attitudes and crime
Restorative justice
Prisoners’ rights
Effects of prison
Prison officers
Alternatives to prison
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Explain personal values and factors which influence them.
Identify situations of wrong doing and their impact on the individual, family and society.
Describe the difference between wrong doing and crime, and personal attitudes to crime.
Discuss factors which influence participation in offending behaviour and criminal behaviour.
Describe the impact of crime on victims’ feelings.
Explain restorative justice, its purpose, the process and the people involved in the process.
Discuss prison life, its impact on the prisoner, the family and friends, daily routine, prisoners’ rights and prison officers’ duties.
Describe elements of the Irish legal justice system including arrest, court appearance, verdict, Juvenile Liaison Officer, Community Garda, underage crime.
Role-play a scenario involving negotiation of agreement by all parties following committing an offence.
Describe the learning gained from participation in the role-play prior to reaching agreement.
Discuss the application of the justice system to young people and how it might be improved.
Discuss the effectiveness of prison and its alternatives on behaviour.
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What materials are included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 125 Pages
Teaching Slides: 73 Slides
This is an introduction to Career Preparation for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to preparing for their career, including:
Introduction to work
Education and training
Personal profile
Getting ready to work
Topics include:
Work opportunities
Volunteer work
Local training and educational possibilities
Personal profile and career
Formal and informal communication
Job ads
Curriculum vitae
Rights and responsibilities
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
1.Describe the basic principles underpinning career preparation
2.Distinguish between different types of work
3.Describe local or foreign work opportunities
4.Identify local training and education opportunities
5.Compile a personal profile
6.Identify preferred personal qualities
7.Practise a range of personal interactions typical of work situations
8.Describe changes that may occur during a working life
9.Prepare to participate in the workplace
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 148 Pages
Teaching Slides: 83
This is an introduction to Personal Effectiveness for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to personal effectiveness, including:
Personal profile
Personal learning plan
Working with others
Topics include:
Personal values
Strengths and weaknesses
Implementing an action plan
Review and evaluation
Benefits of teamwork
Team-building activities
Team project
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Describe the concept of personal effectiveness
Demonstrate an awareness of self by exploring strengths, talents, goals, values, challenges, and abilities
Draw up a personal learning plan
Apply communications, team working, and hygienic and safe work practices in a workplace or community environment
Practise a limited range of the skills required for successful team or group work
Work as a member of a team
Describe the personal learning gained from participation in a planned learning activity
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 120 Pages
Teaching Slides: 55 Slides
This is an introduction to Communications for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and documents.
The resource is intended to introduce students to **everyday communications **including:
What is communication
Reading Writing
Interpersonal communication
Topics include:
Improving communications
Reading comprehension
Reading techniques
Text features, e.g., CV, blog, advertisement, fictional texts, etc.
Everyday writing tasks, e.g. invitation, email, proofreading, formal letter, journal, etc.
Using social media
Signs and symbols
Nonverbal communication, e.g., gestures, visual aids, etc.
Factors affecting interpersonal communication
Effective listening and speaking
Vocabulary relating to work, health and finances
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
1.1 Outline a limited range of reading techniques to include scanning, skimming
1.2 Read a limited range of different texts
1.3 Use a limited range of reading techniques
1.4 Extract the main facts, ideas and opinions from simple written material
2.1 Use drafting, proof reading, spelling and sentence structure that is fit for purpose
2.2 Write to support learning to include note and message taking, expressive writing, and learning aids
2.3 Interact with others through a limited range of current electronic and social networking technologies
Interpersonal Communications*
3.1 Interpret common signs, symbols and non-verbal messages
3.2 Identify the principal factors affecting everyday interpersonal communication
3.3 Use non-verbal signals and visual aids to convey different messages
3.4 Initiate a conversation in different settings
3.5 Narrate observations, events, experience, feedback and procedures
3.6 Use questioning techniques
3.7 Use the vocabulary appropriate to a range of public contexts, to include personal health care, working life, financial transactions.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. It is a printable version only. Teachers can also use the resource for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and documents.
Student Worksheets: 218 Pages
Slides: 195
This is an introduction to **Spreadsheets **for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and files for students.
The resource is intended to introduce students to the basics of spreadsheets, including:
Getting started with spreadsheets
Creating worksheets and workbooks
Modifying worksheets
Topics include:
Common uses and features of a spreadsheet application
Key terminology
File handling
Previewing and printing
Using the keyboard effectively
Using different file save options
Health, safety and hygiene
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
Outline the significance of using spreadsheet applications in terms of their common uses and features.
Explain spreadsheet terminology.
Use a spreadsheet application to open an existing workbook, access a worksheet, print a hardcopy of the worksheet and exit the application.
Enter data to a spreadsheet, including formatting rows and columns, applying data formats and moving information within the worksheet.
Use formulae to perform simple calculations including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Produce a hardcopy printout from a spreadsheet taking all required steps including creating a workbook, entering data into a worksheet, applying suitable formatting, previewing and printing the cell range, saving the workbook, and closing the spreadsheet application.
Apply appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene procedures when working in an ICT environment.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and files.
Student Worksheets: 50 Pages
This is an introduction to computer literacy for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to computers and technology, including:
Introduction to I.T.
Using a computer application
Health, safety, hygiene and security
Topics include:
I.T. in everyday life
Social media
Computer hardware
Word processing exercises
Online safety
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
1 Outline how Information Technology affects everyday life
2 Explain commonplace Information Technology concepts and terminology
3 Describe the health, safety and personal hygiene considerations of working with computers
4 Describe information security considerations
5 Outline the functions of the main hardware elements of a computer
6 Operate computer hardware by performing all required steps including connecting all required devices, and powering up and shutting down equipment appropriately
7 Use a range a keyboard capabilities
8 Use a computer application to create a file
9 Apply relevant environmental impact reduction, health, safety and personal hygiene procedures when working in an ICT environment.
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 85 Pages
Teaching Slides: 46 Pages
This is a set of Reading Comprehension Activities for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It consists of one book which includes reading texts, student worksheets, and teacher notes.
The resource is intended to give students practice using various reading comprehension strategies, including:
Pre-reading comprehension strategies
Comprehension strategies during and after reading
Topics include:
Purpose for reading
Types of meaning
Reading aloud
Using Bloom��s Taxonomy
These worksheets are designed to cover learning outcomes related to reading and understanding different types of texts.
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not fillable online.
What materials are included?
All components are available in the workbook, i.e., reading texts, student worksheets, and teacher notes.
Student Worksheets and Teacher Notes: 200 Pages
This is an introduction to Word Processing for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and files for students.
The resource is intended to introduce students to computers and technology, including:
Getting started with word processing
Creating documents
Modifying documents
Topics include:
Common uses and features of a word processing application
Key terminology
File handling
Text formatting
Creating personal and work documents
Applying text formatting and editing
Using the keyboard effectively
Using different file save options
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
Outline the significance of using word processing application.
Explain key terminology associated with word processing as well as toolbar icons and related functions
Use a word processing application to modify an existing document using a variety of file save options.
Create a range of documents for personal or work requirements.
Use a range of keyboard capabilities.
Apply text formatting.
Use text editing features including copy, cut, paste, delete, and insert.
Use simple proofreading tools.
Print a document to include print preview, spell and grammar check.
Use a word processing application to create a file by performing all required steps.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 65 Pages
This workbook is an** introduction to reading** for teenagers and adults with special educational needs.
It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and sight word lists.
The resource is intended to introduce students to the construction of words and everyday reading. The focus is on gaining confidence in reading, including:
Using word strategies
Sight words
Signs and symbols
Everyday reading
Reading techniques
** Topics include:**
Word families
Basic punctuation
Scanning and skimming
Key words
Fact or fiction
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
(R1) Recognise some familiar words independently including some that are commonly used and personally relevant
(R2) Interpret some common symbols and signs in familiar contexts
(R3) Demonstrate awareness of text conventions, print material and the alphabet, e.g. reading from left to right, top to bottom, concept of a sentence, brand names and logos on print materials, recognizing cues and clues, seeking the amount payable on a bill
(R4) Make sense of simple personally relevant sentences containing familiar words
(R5) Use word identification strategies, e.g. context of words, sight sounds, word endings
(R6) Identify the nature of familiar documents, e.g. bills, junk mail, instructions
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is designed to be used in person. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so.
What materials are included?
All the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and sight word lists.
Worksheets: 218 Pages
Teaching Slides: 138
This is an introduction to Computer Literacy for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to computers and technology, including:
Introduction to I.T.
Using a computer application
Health, safety, hygiene and security
Topics include:
I.T. in everyday life
Social media
Computer hardware
Word processing exercises
Online safety
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
1 Outline how Information Technology affects everyday life
2 Explain commonplace Information Technology concepts and terminology
3 Describe the health, safety and personal hygiene considerations of working with computers
4 Describe information security considerations
5 Outline the functions of the main hardware elements of a computer
6 Operate computer hardware by performing all required steps including connecting all required devices, and powering up and shutting down equipment appropriately
7 Use a range a keyboard capabilities
8 Use a computer application to create a file
9 Apply relevant environmental impact reduction, health, safety and personal hygiene procedures when working in an ICT environment.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 85 Pages
Teaching Slides: 46 Pages
This is an introduction to Breakfast Cookery for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and other extras.
The resource is intended to introduce students to breakfast cookery and catering, including:
Food legislation and kitchen safety
Making hot and cold breakfasts
Food preparation
Menu planning
Topics include:
Food safety, e.g. food storage, temperature, hygiene, dietary requirements, etc.
Kitchen terminology
Basic cooking processes, including following recipes, measuring, choosing ingredients, baking, frying, grilling, poaching, garnishing, presenting, etc.
Organisation of a professional kitchen
Basic techniques of tasting
Basic understanding of food costs and quality
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
A. explain the basic principles of food safety and associated legislation
B. explain the organisation of a professional kitchen
C. use kitchen terminology, weights and measures appropriately
D. explain how different degrees of cooking affect foods
E. demonstrate basic techniques of tasting, recognition of food freshness and garnishing finished dishes
F. demonstrate basic cookery processes including grilling, poaching, shallow frying, boiling and simmering
G. demonstrate basic techniques for preparation of hot and cold cereals and breads
H. assist in preparing and presenting a full Irish cooked and a continental breakfast, plated and buffet style
I. comply with current food safety and hygiene legislation and regulation
J. demonstrate basic understanding of the food cost and quality control cycle
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
Student Worksheets: 143 Pages
Teaching Slides: 131 Slides
This is an introduction to Career Planning for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides, templates and extras.
The resource is intended to introduce students to Career Planning, including:
Career planning and personal profile
Career paths
Coping with change
Career toolkit
Topics include:
Values inventory
Skills, e.g., soft skills, transferable, vocational
Long and short term goals
Career action plan
Effects of change
Job profile
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Explain the principles underpinning career planning
Compile a personal profile
Develop achievable career objectives
Explore a variety of acceptable career options and job types
Compile information on personal contacts or networks
Describe the principles underpinning managing change
Practice a range of personal interactions to include interview skills
Compile a personal job seeking tool kit, e.g., cover letter, CV, portfolio of references, etc.
Prepare to participate in further education or training or employment by finding application requirements for a specific course or employment, applying as required, participating in a simulated interview and evaluating own performance.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides, templates and extras.
Student Worksheets: 157 Pages
Teaching Slides: 70 Slides
This is an introduction to Managing Personal Finances for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides, templates and documents.
The resource is intended to introduce students to managing money in their everyday lives, including:
All about money
Minding your money
Financial view
Topics include:
Personal financial experiences
Spending diary
Common financial documents
Needs vs wants
Saving and borrowing money
Financial difficulties
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
1 Discuss personal and cultural values surrounding money
2 Explain a personal budget to include income and expenditure
3 Identify basic tax and social welfare deductions on a payslip
4 Distinguish between current financial needs and future spending
5 Identify common social welfare entitlements
6 Describe ways of managing payments,
7 Give examples of the agencies that provide support during financial difficulty
8 Demonstrate knowledge of consumer rights and the available mechanisms to exercise them
9 Prepare a weekly spending plan
10 Identify ways of saving money
11 Prepare a savings plan
12 Describe the economic and social environment and its impact on personal finances
13 Compare a limited range of savings and borrowing products from financial institutions
14 Compare personal financial experience and habits with those of dependents, partners, family and friends.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides, templates and documents.
Student Worksheets: 168 Pages
Teaching Slides: 142 Slides
This is an introduction to Health and Safety Awareness for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to Health and Safety Awareness, including:
General Safety
Fire Safety
Safety Investigation
Topics include:
The importance of health and safety
Basic principles of health and safety
Types of hazards
Risk assessment
Employer responsibilities
Employee responsibilities
Fire prevention
Fire extinguishers
Emergency exit plan
Fire blanket
Smoke alarms
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Describe the basic principles underpinning health and safety
Describe health and safety related issues in a familiar work or learning environment in the context of the tools, equipment and associated documentation
Define both employer and employee responsibilities for a familiar work or learning environment with regard to health and safety and accident prevention by referring to appropriate legislation
Group hazards by type, including physical, electrical mechanical, chemical, psychological and work related musculoskeletal disorders
Give examples of ergonomic risks in a familiar work or learning environment
Demonstrate the correct method of using a fire blanket and firefighting equipment
Participate in a fire drill following procedures correctly
Describe the procedures to be taken following an accident
Demonstrate knowledge of personal and workplace health, safety and hygiene
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 94 Pages
Teaching Slides: 85 Slides
This is an introduction to Container Gardening for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and gardening journal.
The resource is intended to introduce students to container gardening, including:
Gardening tools and equipment
Plant growth
Preparing and planting
Topics include:
Gardening vocabulary
Selecting soil
Life cycle of plants
Growth requirements
Container gardening with vegetables / succulents / roses, etc.
Gardening safety
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
1 List the materials, tools and equipment required to grow ornamental plants and vegetables in containers both indoors and outdoors
2 Describe the growth cycle of a variety of summer and winter flowering plants- no differentiation of summer and winter growth cycle
3 Explain the growth requirements of container grown plants and vegetables
4 List the type of plants and vegetables suitable for container gardening
5 Describe the compost suitable for container gardening
6 Prepare containers for planting with attention to suitable lining material, growing media and drainage requirements
7 Select appropriate types of plants and vegetables to match container location and size
8 Plant selected plants and vegetables with attention to positioning, depth and watering
9 Demonstrate the application of communications, team working and quality awareness in a horticultural environment
10 Apply appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene procedures when growing plants
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and gardening journal.
Student Worksheets: 94 Pages
Teaching Slides: 85 Slides
This is an introduction to Health and Fitness for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to health and fitness, including:
Healthy lifestyle and diary
A balanced diet
Physical activity
Healthy choices
Healthy habits
Topics include:
Managing stress
Getting active each day
Being mindful
Setting goals
Varied diet
Essential minerals
Healthy cooking tips
Food labels
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Describe the concepts underpinning a healthy lifestyle
Identify the benefits of good eating practices
Demonstrate an understanding of physical fitness
List local leisure facilities and the activities they provide
Demonstrate a basic understanding of stress, including methods of managing stress
Outline the effects of smoking and substance abuse on physical and mental health
Maintain a lifestyle diary, recording food intake, physical activity and stressors
Demonstrate exercises that incorporate the components of fitness
Reflect on own personal lifestyle practices, including changes made as a result of new learning
Demonstrate the application of communications, team working and quality awareness in a health and fitness environment
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 94 Pages
Teaching Slides: 79 Slides
This is an introduction to Nonverbal Communication for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to recognising and using nonverbal communication, including:
Types of nonverbal communication
Responding to nonverbal communication
Signs and symbols
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
(NVC1) Use appropriate nonverbal behaviour to secure and maintain the attention of another
(NVC2) Communicate an idea/request non-verbally
(NVC3) Respond to body language, e.g. facial expression, gesture
(NVC4) Respond to common place signs and symbols, e.g. exit, no entry, hazard symbols
(NVC5) Sequence images/symbols associated with a familiar activity and or process
Topics include:
Facial expressions
Eye contact
Body language
Voice tone and volume
Personal space
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and extras.
Student Worksheets: 105 Pages
Teaching Slides: 42
These are practice worksheets for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. These worksheets include reading, writing, numeracy and technology, with a strong focus on reading.
The worksheets can be used for the introduction, reinforcement and consolidation of concepts. Examples of worksheets include:
Food label
Personal safety checklist
Job application
Social media
Signs and symbols
** Topics include:**
At home
Going places
These worksheets are designed to cover many learning outcomes and there is a full list of the learning objectives at the end of the resource.
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not currently fillable, but can be made so with specialised software.
What is included?
Student worksheets
Student Worksheets: 250 Pages
This is an introduction to **Listening and Speaking **for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teacher notes and audio recordings.
The resource is intended to introduce students to listening and speaking skills, including:
Listening activities
Speaking tips
Informal and formal listening and speaking
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
(LS1) Listen to obtain information, e.g. weather forecast, talking clock, traffic report
(LS2) Follow clear succinct instruction in familiar contexts
(LS3) Explore ideas and new vocabulary that is relevant and appropriate to a personal situation, orally e.g. planning a holiday or social event
(LS4) Interact appropriately in a narrow range of formal and informal social situations, e.g. in relation to greeting, leaving, seeking information/assistance from an employer/doctor/family member/friend
(LS5) Express opinions, facts and feelings in response to familiar and/or personal situation, e.g. using speech, gesture or signing as appropriate
(LS6) Communicate about the past, present and future activities
Topics include:
Listening to and following instructions
Opinions, facts and feelings
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teacher notes and audio recordings.
Student Worksheets: 112 Pages
Teacher Notes: 57
This is an introduction to **Measurement **for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teacher notes and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to measurement in everyday life, including:
Size, length, weight, height
Topics include:
Measuring length, height, temperature, etc.
Euro and cents
Shopping and money
**These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: **
Investigate objects and language in relation to measurement
Participate in everyday activities associated with measurement in the student’s environment
Participate in a shopping experience or in an activity where real money is used functionally
Participate in recording and displaying number and/or familiar data
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teacher notes and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 116 Pages
Teacher Notes: 42 Pages
Teaching Slides: 53